At my webcomic, Friendship is Dragons, I invite the readers to share their own roleplaying stories in the comments. It’s become such a regular thing that they even share stories when I don’t ask for them, just picking a topic that’s relevant to the current comic page.
I usually keep my hands off the comments, but this time I have a story I want to share.
Continue reading D&D Story – Rolling With It →
I actually haven’t let Skyrim eat a whole lot of my time. I’m the kind of person who eats the side dishes before the main course, so I’ve been tearing through a bunch of smaller games and leaving Skyrim for “every once in a while.”
That, and I’ve been letting the mods pile up in eager anticipation of the Creation Kit coming out around this Tuesday.
But while I don’t have a whole lot to say about Skyrim, I have noticed one crucial thing about its design that I think is worth sharing.
Continue reading Skyrim – Dem Dragons →
Over the weekend I…
Dear Princess Celestia…
This past Sunday I played a roleplaying game run by Erin Palette, whose ideas I used as inspiration for my webcomic, Friendship is Dragons. She made a pony modification for the Unknown Armies system which she calls Unknown Ponies: Failure is Awesome, and invited myself and several of her other friends to test it over Skype.
Is that enough links? Nope, gotta mention Erin’s own after-action report, too. There we go. Now where was I?
Continue reading My Unknown Ponies: Failure is Awesome →
All we know is... he's called the Spud.